J.A.D Enterprises was founded and based upon the following four main principals:
Utilising only highly motivated qualified individuals with a proven track record within Aluminium and Steel Fabrication and its application to Motor Body Building.
Able to deliver most client specific solutions that meet both legislative and economic requirements.
Retaining core expertise within the company frame work.
Recognising that J.A.D success is client success
Our capability covers the entire motor body building facet: from identifying the solution through to design through to ultimate development and installation of the end product. J.A.D Enterprises has extensive experience in steel fabrication with owner operator Anno Bergsma encompassing over 40 years industry experience. This ensures we provide well-researched customised solutions to meet the client’s specific requirements. With a long established relationship with the Western Australian Police Service in the supply and installation of prisoner transport units for containment and transportation vehicles, J.A.D Enterprises has a strong history of managing both small and large volume projects on time. Our vision is to deliver superior, timely, and cost effective solutions to clients, while also observing the highest standards of honesty, integrity and confidentiality.
The fundamental principles on which the company was founded will continue to guide us and are applied to every assignment we accept, large and small. The success of our practice can be measured by the many clients that return to us again and again. A successful motor body solution relies on a close working relationship between the client and our individual employees. Such a relationship can only develop when the client recognizes that the employees are not only qualified and experienced in the tasks confronting them but that they are continually working with only the client’s best interests in mind. J.A.D Enterprises employs staff with outstanding technical qualifications, a proven track record of industry operating and the highest ethical standards. The result is a highly responsive client-focused organisation.